06 Apr Community Input Session for Upper and Lower Dam Mitigation Scheduled
Public Invited to Provide Input on Upper and Lower Dam Mitigation
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is exploring options for mitigation of the Upper and Lower Dams on the Upper Iowa River. A preliminary public informational session will be held on Thursday, April 20 from 5:00-6:30 pm at Baker Commons at Luther College. All are welcome to learn more about the project and contribute their input on factors that are important to them. The meeting will be an open house format, so attendance for any part of the meeting is welcome.
Mitigation of the Upper and Lower Dams is being explored under a plan developed by the Iowa DNR in 2010 to respond to the state’s aging low head dam infrastructure. The plan prioritizes local interests and concerns while striving to reduce dam-related hazards and balance ecological, recreational, navigational, and economic benefits. Additional information on the project can be found at www.northeastiowarcd.org/upperlowerdams.
Numerous partners are involved in the project, including the Iowa DNR Land and Waters and Fisheries Bureaus, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, LT Leon Associates, and Northeast Iowa RC&D. For more information, please contact Paul Berland of Northeast Iowa RC&D at (563) 864-7112.