09 Dec Driftless Area Initiative Project
This Driftless Area Initiative developed at the request of 48 local, county, state and federal organizations. Northeast Iowa RC&D is working with five other RC&D’s to draw national attention to the Driftless Area, including Limestone Bluffs RC&D Iowa, River Country RC&D Wisconsin, Southwest Badger RC&D Wisconsin, Black Hawk Hills RC&D Illinois, and Hiawatha Valley RC&D Minnesota. Two RC&D Council members from each of the RC&Ds serve on the DAI Committee to direct the project. The goal of the project is to, “Unite organizations and individuals within the Driftless Area of the Upper Mississippi River Basin for collaborative action to enhance and restore the region’s ecology, economy, and cultural resources in a balanced, integrated fashion.” The Driftless Area is a unique region encompassing parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. Pleistocene glaciers bypassed the Driftless Area, giving rivers time to cut down into ancient bedrock and create distinctive landforms. Soils covering the steep slopes are fragile, ecosystems are diverse and many cold-water streams are recognized for their economic, environmental, and recreational importance.