09 Dec Dry Hydrant Project
Northeast Iowa RC&D has a long history of assisting rural fire departments throughout the six county RC&D area to obtain funding for installation of dry fire hydrants as well as funding for other necessary equipment. Dry fire hydrants are used in rural areas where water supplies are limited. They function to withdraw water from farm ponds and water bodies that have sufficient water capacity. A dry fire hydrant is simply a suction pipe laid underground from an all-weahter access road to a natural or man-made source of water. Like their pressurized counter parts, the dry fire hydrant is fitted with special fire department connection threads that are standard throughout or nation and unique to the fire service. The comparative cost of a dry fire hydrant is far out weighted by its benefits in potential savings. Many rural fire departments do not have the funds needed to install them. The RC&D has assisted dozens of these departments to find funding and technical assistance to install strategically placed dry hydrants.