Iowa State Forest Action Plan Meeting:

Iowa State Forest Action Plan Meeting:

Iowa’s State Forest Action Plan: What is it and how is it used?

Iowa Forests Today

Paul Tauke, Iowa DNR Forestry Bureau Chief

Forest Action Plan Implementation & Invasives Updates Tivon Feeley, Iowa DNR Forest Health Program Leader

Birds & Forests – An Investigation of Importance Ross Evelsizer, Northeast Iowa RC&D Watershed Planning Associate

Recognizing the Economics of Iowa’s Forest Resource Lora Friest, Northeast Iowa RC&D Executive Director

History & Advantages of Membership Tom & Agnes Kenney, Co-Chairs Iowa Tree Farmers Northeast Iowa Forest Advisory Committee (NIFAC) History & Goals Nancy Bolson, NIFAC Chair  We would like to thank The National Association of Resource Conservation & Development Councils (NARC&DC) for providing a grant that made this possible. Funding for this program was generously provided through: USFSNARC&DCIowa DNRlogo96.jpg