Grass Run Farm Value Added Ag Project

Northeast Iowa Resource Conservation and Development partnered with 34 schools from 13 school districts in Allamakee, Clayton, Fayette, Howard, and Winneshiek counties during the 2008-2009 school year to gather baseline data on: current attitudes and behaviors of students and parents toward walking and biking to...
This Driftless Area Initiative developed at the request of 48 local, county, state and federal organizations. Northeast Iowa RC&D is working with five other RC&D’s to draw national attention to the Driftless Area, including Limestone Bluffs RC&D Iowa, River Country RC&D Wisconsin, Southwest Badger RC&D...
[caption id="attachment_2086" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Guttenberg Marina"][/caption] NE IA RC&D is assisting the City of Guttenberg with development of a downtown riverfront marina. The project is maximizing natural resource based economic development without destroying sensitive resources in the Mississippi River, Mississippi River bottomland hardwood wetlands, and small...
Through this project NE IA RC&D facilitates a six-county tourism and economic development group to increase marketing and regional tourism efforts in Northeast Iowa. The RC&D assists with planning and project implementation for the annual Marketing Plan to promote the six-counties of Allamakee, Buchanan, Clayton,...
NE IA RC&D assists the Trails of Winneshiek County, the City of Decorah and Winneshiek County Conservation Board with development of a twelve mile trail that loops through and near Decorah. The RC&D has written over three million dollars in grants for the 6.5 million...
NE IA RC&D is helping Winneshiek County and Howard County Conservation Boards and three small communities, Ridgeway, Calmar and Cresco with development of the Prairie Farmer Recreational Trail. The project was developed to improve the usability of the Prairie Farmer Recreational Trail (PFRT) by applying...
NE IA RC&D was asked to assist the Buchanan County Four Seasons Trail Association with tasks associated with planning and development of the Wapsipinicon River Water Trail. The Trail Association is a coalition of community leaders that have joined together to facilitate trails development throughout...
NE IA RC&D is assisting partners to restore, preserve and promote this Motor Mill Park and its associated components. The Project maximizes partnerships between local, regional and state partners and creates a quality tourism experience. It will help protect and preserve the Mill’s architectural integrity....
NE IA RC&D is working with Howard and Mitchell County Conservation Boards and Boards of Supervisors as well as community leaders from Riceville and Elma to complete a 33 mile multi-use trail that will be the first trail in the state to connect to the...