Grow the Local Food System

Time to get your hands on one of several new print publications here at the RC&D! Over the last few months our team of writers, planners, photographers, developers, and designers has worked with numerous partners across the region to put together a Fayette County Trout Fishing...

This one day conference will be take place on Thursday, February 9th, and will provide a great opportunity for those of you that are interested in maximizing the economic benefits of Farmers Market in your community. Northeast Iowa RC&D, NICC, The Depot Outlet, and the Northeast Iowa Tourism...

Northeast Iowa RC&D has developed culinary passports for the River Bluffs Scenic Byway, Driftless Area Scenic Byway, Grant Wood Scenic Byway and Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway! These passports will help you "Eat Your Way Along the Byways" by guiding you to experience unique dishes and...

Northeast Iowa RC&D recently completed the Northeast Iowa Local Food Expansion Plan. This plan includes goals and recommendations for organizations and individuals interested in expanding various aspects of the local food system to create a healthier and more vibrant local food based economy in Northeast...

NE IA RC&D assisted Eagles Landing Winery with their expansion into port production. The RC&D provided grant writing assistance for a Value Added Producer Grant as well as development of a business and marketing plan. The grant provided funding for production of the first Iowa...

NE IA RC&D assisted partners from five county area of Northeast Iowa with development and writing of a W.K.Kellogg grant. The grant, which was awarded, funded the Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative. NE IA RC&D is administering the planning grant and assisting with implementation....

This project provides assistance to GROWN Locally producers to develop a stronger local foods system through the expansion and modeling of cooperative food processing, marketing and delivery. Many restaurants have expressed an interest in increasing their purchase of local foods. Several institutions, including schools and...

NE IA RC&D provides technical assistance for the Women, Land and Legacy Programs in Winneshiek and Clayton Counties. The number of women involved in agriculture continues to increase according to the 2002 Census of Agriculture. The census shows that the number of women principal farm...

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