Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School

Northeast Iowa Resource Conservation and Development partnered with 34 schools from 13 school districts in Allamakee, Clayton, Fayette, Howard, and Winneshiek counties during the 2008-2009 school year to gather baseline data on:

  • current attitudes and behaviors of students and parents toward walking and biking to school
  • current school policy related to walking and biking to and from school
  • existing community infrastructure

Over 4,700 students were polled for the Student In-Class Travel Tally and 3,221 parents completed the Parent Survey. School administration from all 34 schools completed a School Policy Survey and existing sidewalk infrastructure was inventoried in 25 communities.

Funding Provided By Safe Routes to School Program

Northeast Iowa Regional Safe Routes to School Plan

Northeast Iowa RC&D worked closely with partners to compile data about Northeast Iowa’s infrastructure, attitudes and policy through the Northeast Iowa Safe Route to School Project. Then, after much discussion, input and evaluation, the Northeast Iowa Regional Safe Routes to School Plan was developed to provide guidance for Northeast Iowa SRTS Committees, students, parents, schools, administrators, county planners, and anyone else interested in working to create or improve safe route to schools. The publication is also useful as a planning tool for other rural areas of the United States or small communities that are looking for ideas or opportunities.

Safe Routes to School Plan (Updated Sep. 29, 2010) (PDF: 6.5 MB)

Safe Routes to School Plan (Full Resolution Photos) (Updated Sep. 29, 2010) (PDF: 17.8 MB)

Bound paper copies can be special ordered. Please contact us for further information.

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Tell us about your Route to School!

Northeast Iowa RC&D is interested in hearing from you and finding out what you think of your “Route to School”.
Is it safe? Is it great? Is there some thing or some reason that makes you unlikely to walk or bike?
Send us a picture of you (and your friends) walking or biking to school with a few sentences about your “Route to School” and we’ll share them with others.

Get more people talking about Safe Routes to School!
Submit your photo and comments to

Student & Parent Survey Results and
Infrastructure Map (by School District)

Allamakee Community School District

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Central Community School District

Clayton Ridge Community School District

Decorah Community School District

Eastern Allamakee Community School District

Howard-Winneshiek Community School District

MFL Mar Mac Community School District

North Fayette Community School District

Oelwein Community School District

Postville Community School District

Riceville Community School District

South Winneshiek Community School District

Valley Community School District

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Additional Resources

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